Meloenga is a dynamic digital solution that revolutionizes the way individuals and businesses present themselves online. It offers a suite of NFC devices, including digital business cards, RAD bracelets, NFC tags, stickers, and stands, designed for seamless sharing and networking. Meloenga empowers users with personalized mini-websites, ensuring a memorable and impactful introduction. With features like real-time updates, data analytics, and global profile management, Meloenga provides a comprehensive platform for managing online profiles effectively. By combining NFC technology with innovative digital tools, Meloenga helps users create impressive online profiles and enhance their digital presence.


NFC (Near Field Communication) is a technology enabling devices to communicate in close proximity, facilitating data transfer, contactless payments, and information sharing.

At Meloenga, NFC technology enhances user interactions and experiences through digital business cards, NFC bracelets, smart product tags, smart poster stickers, NFC stands, and more. These devices empower users to seamlessly share information, engage customers, and create interactive experiences with a simple tap of their NFC-enabled devices.

By leveraging NFC technology, Meloenga offers an innovative way for individuals and businesses to digitize their profiles, products, and services. This enhances online presence and boosts engagement, fostering enhanced connectivity and convenience in the digital landscape.

Comprehensive Contact Details Integration

Name and Job Title

Clearly display your identity and professional role.

Direct Messaging

Enable WhatsApp with predefined messages and links.

Social Messaging

Include Viber, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, and Skype options.

Email and Phone

Provide traditional contact methods including email, telephone, and mobile.


Integrate fax communication for business needs.

Location Services

Embed Google Maps for easy navigation to your physical location.

Company Information

Share your company's name and address, promoting transparency and credibility.

Block Editor Features

Versatile Blocks

Choose from a variety of blocks including text, titles, text with titles, buttons, and more.

Image with URL

Directly link images to external URLs for seamless navigation.


Showcase up to 10 images in an engaging carousel format.

Image Buttons

Create custom-designed buttons integrated with images.

RSS Feeds

Embed live feeds for up-to-date content display.

Video Embedding

Incorporate videos from YouTube, Vimeo, and TikTok directly into your page.

Calendly and Tidy Calendar Links

Integrate scheduling directly into your page.

App Store Links

Provide direct links to download your app.

Payment Links

Seamlessly integrate PayPal, Stripe, and Payoneer payment options.

Advanced Call-to-Action

Enable actions like click-to-call, click-to-SMS, and click-to-WhatsApp

Countdown to Event

Build anticipation with event countdowns accompanied by images, links, and calls-to-action.

Customizable Design

Personalize background colors, text styles, fonts, and button designs.

Social Media Integration

Feature up to 9 social media links for enhanced connectivity.

Retargeting Pixels

Optimize marketing efforts with social media pixel integration for retargeting.